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Fun Activities Ravers Can Do Safe From COVID-19

As we all know, festivals, local raves, and even clubs are shut down due to COVID-19. We’re all itching for things to do as we sit inside waiting for this to pass. It’s normal to get angsty about this situation, but keep it mind this pandemic should be taken seriously, and everyone should be taking necessary precautions. Festival season will return to us quicker if we abide by the set guidelines. In the meantime, here are five fun and safe activities ravers can do from the comfort of their own home!

1: Exercise to get your rave body ready

By the time festivals are back in action, the weather will be warming up, and we’ll all want to show off our bodies in cute rave attire! There are a few ways to work out without coming into contact with too many people. If you live in a complex with a gym, typically no more than a couple people will be using it at any given time, take advantage of that amenity! If you have a gym membership, some gyms are allowing a maximum capacity of 50 guests to come in to work out. Go on the off hours and try to make it in. If neither of these are options for you, you can never go wrong with a home workout! My favorite home workout youtuber is @MADFIT. She has workouts of all types, many requiring little to no equipment, and she explains the form of each exercise in detail so you don’t hurt yourself. There are no excuses not to get that rave body in shape! UPDATE: Gyms are closed. Use resistance bands at home =D

2: Reading and meditating

A big part of raves is the peace, love, unity, and respect flooding through the festival grounds. To get your mind and spirit aligned before we return to raves, reading and meditating will get you there. Some of my favorite books to read are written by the author Don Miguel Ruiz. His most popular books include “The Four Agreements” and “The Mastery of Love”. These books helped me to be a loving and accepting person to all, including myself. Another huge part of festivals is to be in the moment. Practice being in the moment at home by meditating. Meditating can be difficult if you’ve never tried it before. If you are new to meditation, I would recommend finding a comfortable place to sit, align your spine, and throw on a 5 minute guided meditation for beginners to slowly get into it.

3: EDM Dance Party

As ravers, we crave stimulation, social connections, and of course, bass music! If you are not sick, invite a close friend or two over for a fun dance party to create fun energy in your home and get out all that pent up movement. If you are sick in any way, I highly recommend to stay in your home, but the beauty of technology allows you to facetime all your best friends! An online dance party can be just as fun and freeing. Another fun way to dance at home is using the game “Just Dance”. Just Dance can be downloaded on the switch and they have a few EDM options and partner dances. This is another great way to get your heart pumping indoors.

4: Online Shopping

Something that always helps me pass time at home is going online shopping. If you do not have disposable income at this time, window shopping is just as satisfying! Some of my favorite online rave sites are IHeartRaves, EatSleepRave, Rave with me Gente, and of course, Rave Doctor! I’ve spent hours going through pages of rave clothes and making outfits up in my head. This can be also be very creatively stimulating for your mind.

5: Replicate your favorite festival food

Everyone has that one food they’ve gotten at a festival that they can’t stop talking about. For me it was the mozzarella sticks from Electric Forest. These cheese sticks were so big and cheesy, they were exactly what I needed in the forest. Other good foods some of my friends have told me about include island noodles from Wakaan, and stuffed dumplings from Lost Lands. Although they most likely won’t come out as great as the ones tasted in the ambiance of a festival, you can still try your best and document the outcome!

Self quarantine is not the typical raver’s ideal situation, but since we have extra time on our hands we might as well use it to better ourselves. By doing so, when festival season returns we will be fresh and better than ever!

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